Thursday, May 14, 2015

May Be

I've been doing some drawing...

Here's the final Krang Tha DJ piece I did for the ACME Superstore BOSS KRANG art exhibit in Longwood, Florida that opened April 25:

The show runs til June 26, so there's still time to go check out the other cool pieces they have there. They even got the original Krang voice actor Pat Fraley for a dope cartoon video spot, sooo.

I did this Vision piece for The Avengers Group Show that A Shop Called Quest in Claremont, California put on May 2nd. My original art, as well as the originals from the other participating artists, can be seen at the shop until July 11.

I've been doing some shows. Here's some recent sketches from them:

And some other recent commissions:

And as an added bonus #tbt here's a cover to a fan comic I started concepting a few years ago that I'd like to finish at some point. Ghost in a Halfshell:

Here are the upcoming shows I have planned:

May23-24 - Spectrum Fantastic Art, Kansas City, MO
June 13 - KC Public Library Con, Kansas City, MO
June 19-21 - Heroes Con, Charlotte, NC
August 7-9 - Kansas City Comicon, KC
August 29 - River City Comic Expo, Little Rock, AR
September 6 - Ruble Con, Springfield, MO
September 12-13 - Cincy Comicon, Cincinnati
November 14-15 - Air Capital Con, Wichita, KS

If you're interested in commissions check out my "BuhBuy" tab at the top for pricing and/or email me at bustermoody[@]


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